Our Residential Program
Our mission and purpose is to provide quality primary alcohol, tobacco and chemical abuse treatment services to women and their children in a safe, supportive and caring atmosphere. The goal of the treatment services is to break the cycle of addiction for women, allowing our mothers and their young children to live together while learning the life skills necessary to become strong, responsible contributors in their communities.
WRS Treatment Programs provide a highly structured daily program, including comprehensive substance dependence education, evidence based groups on self-esteem, trauma, parenting education, non-violent communication, relationships, and a weekly process group.
WRS provides a daily Children’s Program, guided by a Child Care Provider and Parenting Educator, while women are in treatment groups each day and evening. Each women is assigned an individual case manager who will guide her throughout her treatment stay and will address issues related to her successful completion of the treatment program.
Weekly Aftercare is provided upon successful completion of 120 day residential program. After successful completion of their program and continued participation in Aftercare for a year’s length being free from drug use, WRS will provide a candlelight where peers, family and friends are invited to attend.
"I never thought there was a way out. Now I have a future for me
and my children filled with hope, thanks to WRS."